Clean Up Your Computer Month

HB832: Fiduciary Changes for HOA Directors

HB832 became law on July 1, 2017, and condominium associations should be well versed in the ramifications. In summary, the law specifies condominium boards may be in violation of fiduciary duty, and could be held personally liable, for violating the mediation and arbitration requirements of the condominium law (there are some exceptions). It also allows association member participation in board meetings pursuant to rules established, requires board meeting notices to list items on the meeting [...]

It’s a New Year- Get Your Computer Organized!

January is designated as Clean up your Computer Month Your computer is a tool to support your busy life. However, if you don’t take care of it once in a while, it could slow down or even fail- likely when you need it most. Getting organized and backing up files will help you get 2018 off to an efficient start on a productive new year. First, backup Best practices suggest that before you start clearing the clutter on your computer, you back up all of your data. You can do this either to an exte [...]

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