The 2024 legislative session opened with over 50 condominium related bills. The following descriptions are summarizations of a few  bills that survived decking, a major filing deadline. This list is only meant to provide general information. To find updated information on these or any bills in the HI Legislature, please see this guide from the Legislative Reference Bureau.

House Bills: 

HB 1814 requires that the Legislative Reference Bureau conduct a wide-ranging study as to how other states manage condominiums  in relation to an ombudsman, licensing of managing agents, alternative dispute resolution, governmental regulation, owner education,  and owner access to documents.

HB 2315 clarifies the procedure for electronic, machine, or mail voting. Allows for electronic meetings to occur outside of a declared  state of emergency.

HB 2318 exempts planned community associations and condominium associations from the quorum and voting requirements under  the Hawai‘i Nonprofit Corporations Act.

HB 2316 clarifies that cumulative voting rights apply to all candidates in condominium elections.

HB 2686 amends the laws relating to the Hawaii Hurricane Relief Fund and Hawaii Property Insurance Association to attempt to stabilize the state’s insurance market. Has specific language to address condominiums with four or more stories and registered associations.

Senate Bills: 

SB 2404 removes from proxies the option to assign proxies to the board as a whole but retains other proxy options.

SB 2600 authorizes the use of email to deliver certain documents during the initial sale of a condominium by a developer.

SB 2727 allows condominiums to be eligible for commercial property assessed financing. This bill enables certain condominiums to  take advantage of commercial lending to lengthen the time periods for repayment of loans for capital improvements. The loan payments would be structured into the common area maintenance or as special assessments.

Legislative Process: 

Are you interested in the legislative process? Visit the Hawaii State Legislature website for the legislative calendar, legislator contact information, citizen’s guide to the legislative process, broadcasts of hearings, bill information, online bill  testimony submission, and much more!

The legislative session runs until early May. You can review bill deadlines on the session calendar HERE.