There is a greater sense of involvement when you serve on your homeowners association (HOA) or condo board of directors. Just make sure you are ready for the responsibility.
Here are a few tips in becoming a good HOA board member.
1. Be prepared for meetings
Not only should you read and digest information sent out prior to each meeting, you should also be well versed on the governing documents of the organization.Trying to read materials on the fly during a meeting slows down progress. You can also identify questions in advance you would like answers to.
2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help
More experienced past or present board members can share their wisdom and insight about being a board member, saving you from some of the pitfalls, filling in history and what worked and didn’t.
3. Take advantage of professional development
Destination Maui, the Department of Commerce and other organizations offer workshops, seminars, and courses specifically for condo and home owner association board members. Participating is a great way to sharpen skills that will help your association.
5. Show cognitive flexibility
There are always more than one solution to a problem. Be open and willing to entertain different viewpoints, compromise and be flexible in the board room. Residents are your constituents- listen to them to get a pulse of where the community stands on issues. Work to find agreeable solutions in a positive and proactive manner.
Being a board member takes time and energy, but can be rewarding when you see your efforts making a difference.