condo life

New Hawaii Condo Living Guide Video Series Now Online

The Hawaii Real Estate Commission released its new “Hawaii Condo Living Guide” video series to help deliver valuable information to current and prospective condominium owners and boards. The first six educational videos are available online and broken up into a series of short segments for ease of viewing. The commission intends to continue releasing more engaging episodes periodically. “This locally produced video series is a creative way to reach out to residents with important information,” s [...]

HOA Satisfaction Survey

Most people are finding living with a Home Owners Association a positive. The Community Association Institute (CAI) recently conducted extensive research and analysis for condominiums, homeowners associations, and housing cooperatives. According to the latest 2020 Homeowner Satisfaction Survey, Community Associations remain a "Preferred Place to Call Home"! Communities and their management teams always try to please the homeowners they serve, but did you know 89% of homeowners rate their HOA exp [...]

6 Tips to Stay Cool and Save Energy

That few extra degrees of warmth that summer brings to Maui makes a difference. Not only is staying cool a challenge, but water and energy bills can spike. Here is the best advice from our property management pros to not only beat the heat, but also save on water and electric costs. Save energy while saving water This summer we’ve already seen one drought alert on the island. Here are a few ways to save water, and at the same time save on your electric bill. Repair any dripping faucets promptl [...]

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