Solar photovoltaic permits are up 40% statewide for the first six months of this year compared to 2019, according to data compiled by Marco Mangelsdorf, president of ProVision Solar in Hilo.

Across the state, there were 3,028 PV permits issued over the first half of 2020 compared to 2,161 last year. This includes huge growth for Maui County.

One reason? Federal tax credits are scheduled to decrease from 26% this year to 22% in 2021. Industry professionals predict the second half of 2020 should continue to see brisk sales in Hawaii.

Maui solar panelMaui County’s permits were up 49%, reporting 497 compared to 333 last year, and Oahu’s permits increased by 46% to 1,811 from 1,242.

The County of Kauai saw a year-over-year increase of 64%, reporting 352 permits over the first six months of this year compared to 215 last year. Meanwhile, Hawaii Island saw a slight decrease in permits, with 368 PV permits issued this year compared to 371 last year.

On average, the number of PV systems that included energy storage from January to June remained steady year-over-year, hovering around 74.5%.

More roof top solar, combined with decreased energy demand due to Covid-19 means that we are seeing an overall increase in energy production from green, renewable energy.